Monday, January 19, 2009

You Are The New President

The excitement of the Inauguration. The anticipation of change. The beauty of the balls. The invigorating speech. The careful planning to make all this successful. Now, today, inauguration day, you are still the President of your glass company. What are your new policies and plans for the next four years?

Well, you have plans don't you? When are you going to implement them? What are you doing to make them happen. As the old saying goes, 'there is no time like the present'!

You have been up late at night thinking about plans for your company. It is time to start acting on your plans. Maybe not on January 20th, but pick a day that works for you, and introduce new ideas and plans to your company. Bring in a new product line. Do you sell wood windows? Do you sell film or do filming of windows? Do you go after the Bullet-resistant glass marketplace? You can talk about these things just so long, now you have to act.

Set a day within the next month as your inauguration day. The good news is that you didn't have to go through an election. Do the homework. Select the new vendor or the new product line, and make that part of your company. Decide on the new computer system, redo your showroom and train your staff.

A tough economy means that vendors will cut deals with you to start new product areas. Many great employees are waiting to be hired.

Your employees will work harder with a defined plan, with a goal that they know will help the company, which helps their job security and growth. Change is all we are hearing on the news. It is a unique time for every business owner to create and implement changes for the betterment of all.

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